Emergencies can strike without warning, making it crucial for your hospital to be prepared. Here’s how to create an emergency plan in just three steps:

Step 1: Discuss Emergency Scenarios with Your Household

Focus on the types of emergencies most likely to occur in your area, such as:

  • Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, winter storms.
  • Man-Made Incidents: Chemical spills, power outages, active shooter situations.
  • Health Emergencies: Pandemics, severe allergic reactions, injuries.

During the discussion:

  • Share Information: Explain the nature and impact of each potential emergency.
  • Identify Safe Areas: Point out safe locations in your home and community.
  • Evacuation Routes: Map out the best evacuation routes and meeting points.
  • Emergency Contacts: Create a list of emergency contacts.

Step 2: Assign Responsibilities to Each Household Member

Assign specific roles to ensure an effective response:

  • Adults:
    • Primary Caregiver: Gathers emergency supplies and oversees evacuation.
    • Communicator: Contacts emergency services and extended family.
    • Safety Officer: Secures the home and assists with first aid.
  • Children:
    • Young Children: Teach them to recognize alarms and practice safety drills.
    • Older Children: Help younger siblings and assist with packing emergency kits.
  • Pets:
    • Pet Care: Assign someone to gather pet supplies and carriers.


  • Consider Strengths: Assign tasks based on individual strengths.
  • Cross-Training: Ensure backup for each task.
  • Backup Plans: Have contingency plans for each responsibility.

Step 3: Practice and Refine Your Plan

Regular practice ensures everyone remembers their roles and stays calm during emergencies:

  • Drills: Conduct regular drills for different emergencies.
  • Review and Update: Regularly update your plan to address any changes.
  • Feedback Sessions: Discuss what worked and how to improve after each drill.
  • Test Communication: Practice contacting emergency contacts.

Additional Tips:

  • Involve Everyone: Ensure all household members participate.
  • Vary Scenarios: Practice different types of emergencies.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with local emergency resources.

By discussing potential emergencies, assigning responsibilities, and practicing your plan, you can ensure your household is well-prepared to handle any emergency.