Objective: Preparedness addresses how the provider will meet the needs of patients if essential services break down as a result of a disaster.

Preparedness includes training staff on their role in the emergency plan, testing the plan, and revising the plan as needed.

Goals of Rule:

  • Increase patient safety during emergencies
  • Establish consistent requirements across provider types
  • Establish a more coordinated response to natural and man made disasters September 28, 2018 8 CMS Emergency Preparedness Program
  • Describes an agency’s compressive approach to meeting the health, safety, and security needs of the agency, its staff, its patient population, during, and after an emergency.

How do you evacuate your babies from the NICU?  See the EVACU B

Using 4 core elements

  1. Emergency Plan based on a Risk assessment
  2. Policies and Procedures
  3. Communication Plan
  4. Training and Testing Program